Recorded in a beautiful old farmhouse nestled in the mountains and rolling hills of austria, amongst christmas tree farms and the distant sounds of wandering cows, these three musicians set out over the course of two days to record their first album together.
The trio originally formed in 2017 and played their first concert in a recording studio in Vienna (with the audience watching from the control room) as part of the Jazzwerkstatt Wien festival. Bernd Satzinger (bass) and Mark Holub (drums), met when Mark first arrived in Vienna (2012) and always had plans to do something musically together. Satzinger suggested playing with Viola Falb (sax) and the trio was born. After the studio concert, the trio played further concerts around Austria, and when Falb mentioned the opportunity of recording in Schrattenberg the trio jumped at the opportunity and 'A Room For You' was born.
The recording process saw all 3 members bring some concepts for the improvisations as well as Holub bringing a few tunes. The essence of the recording is about 3 musicians who are working to form a group language through their various individualistic approaches. The CD moves between sparse soundscapes, hectic free jazz, and beautiful melodic moments, sometimes all within the same track. With this first album this new trio will continue to explore the boundaries of where improvised music can take us.

Viola Falb - saxophone
Mark Holub - drums
Bernd Satzinger - bass

Band Members
Bernd Satzinger - bass
double bass, e-bass, guitar, synthesizer, electronics, composer
studied at the University of Music in Vienna, co-founder of “JazzWerkstatt Wien” - a collective and music label; plays in different projects and bands - starting from free-improvised music, jazz, rock, pop to ambient music.
played on many international festivals and clubs like Austrian Cultural Forum New York, Vortex Club/London, A-Train/Berlin, Dom/Moskau, Festival Moers, JazzWerkstatt Bern, Jazzfestival Athen, Bishkek/Kirgistan, North Sea Jazz Festival…
Mark Holub - drums
Drummer, composer and bandleader most notably known as the bandleader and composer for Led Bib.
With Led Bib, he was nominated for the Mercury Music Prize 2009 (One of 12 albums of the year) and he was also a winner of the Peter Whittingham Jazz Award 2005. They have released 10 albums and have toured to some of the highest profile festivals in Europe including North Sea Jazz Festival, Jazzfestival Berlin, London Jazz Festival, Saalfelden Jazz Festival and many others.
Holub is also active in other projects including ‘Blueblut’ a power trio with Pamelia Kurstin - theremin and Chris Janka – guitar, Perlin Noise, The Quartet, and he also features regularly on the improv scene with various collections of players.

FALB | HOLUB | SATZINGER - a room for you
Cash Cow
Eye poker
A Room For You
Dry deposition
Missing link
Mixed blessings
Private Conversation
Breakfast as Dinner
Quantum readjustment
False tears
You Can't Unthink a Thought
Rusty Soles
released March 2020
all by Falb | Holub | Satzinger, except 15. by Mark Holub;
recorded 12 & 13 September 2018 in Hotel Pupik, Austria by Oliver Brunbauer
Mixed & Mastered by Oliver Brunbauer at Feedbackstudio
released on SLAM & Jazzwerkstatt Records
SLAMCD2112 | JWR 05/20
contact: fahosa@gmx.at